
Vacancies > Job Vacancy Announcement Detail

Job Vacancy Announcement Detail

Employer: Buccat Professional Land Ssurveying and Mapping Services
DBA: Buccat Professional Land Ssurveying and Mapping Services
Address: P.O. Box 500684
Saipan , Northern Mariana Islands
96950 United States
Phone: (670) 256-0781
Other Number: (670) 256-0781
Contact Buccat Professional Land Ssurveying and Mapping Services via email

Job Vacancy Announcement JVA
JVA Type: Renewal
Island Saipan
FLSA Covered? No, not covered
DOD related? No
PERM related? * No
VEVRAA related? No
Original Number of Openings: 1
Number of Openings Currently Available 1
Specific Worksite location: Lampauye Place, I' Denni, Saipan
Job Classification: Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Job Title: surveyor helper
Announcement Number: 08-04-3371
Job Classification: Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Opening Date: 4/21/2008
Closing Date: 5/3/2008
Salary Range: $3.55 to $3.55 / Hourly
Job Title: surveyor helper
Job Duties: : independently set corners or stations with survey equipment; set tripod with laser instrument; plan and direct the traverse line for relocation, topographic and as-built surveys
High School Diploma Required? Undetermined
Qualification Requirements: 2 years experience
Full or Part Time: Full Time
Hours per Week: 40
Hours per Day: 8
Payment Frequency: bi-weekly
Overtime Available: No
Overtime Rate: $5.325 - $5.325
Rate x 1.5 per hour Exempted: No
Specify All Payroll Deductions:
Required tools, supplies and Equipment to be provided:
Anticipated starting date of employment: Not Indicated
Anticipated closing date of employment: Not Indicated
Housing Provided: No
Food Provided: No
Transportation required: No
If transportation is required, daily transportation to and from the worksite(s) will be provided to the workers. Daily pick-up place(s) will be at:
Fringe Benefits:
Comments: medical & workmans compensation provided byt he employer.