
Vacancies > Job Vacancy Announcement Detail

Job Vacancy Announcement Detail

Employer: Marianas Star Corporation
DBA: Marianas Star Corporation
Address: P.O. Box 502964, CK
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
96950 United States
Phone: 670-234-5577
Other Number: 670-288-7824
Contact Marianas Star Corporation via email

Job Vacancy Announcement JVA
JVA Type: Replacement
Island Saipan
FLSA Covered? No, not covered
DOD related? No
PERM related? * No
VEVRAA related? No
Original Number of Openings: 1
Number of Openings Currently Available 1
Specific Worksite location: Finasisu, Saipan
Job Classification: Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Job Title: Architectural Drafter
Announcement Number: 08-04-3698
Job Classification: Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Opening Date: 4/30/2008
Closing Date: 5/14/2008
Salary Range: $1500 to $1500 / Monthly
Job Title: Architectural Drafter
Job Duties: Prepare accurate working plans and detailed project cost estimates and working drawings for engineering; knowledgeable in construction supervision by designing plan & layout of the project based on the designers specifications; prepares chart, sketches & drawings using drafting instruments, operate computer-aided drafting (CAD) equipment or conventional drafting station to produce designs, working drawings, charts, forms and records and to perform other related duties as required.
High School Diploma Required? Undetermined
Qualification Requirements: College Graduate 2 years minimum work experience
Full or Part Time: Full Time
Hours per Week: 40
Hours per Day: 8
Payment Frequency: Monthly
Overtime Available: No
Overtime Rate: $1.5 - $1.5
Rate x 1.5 per hour Exempted: No
Specify All Payroll Deductions:
Required tools, supplies and Equipment to be provided:
Anticipated starting date of employment: Not Indicated
Anticipated closing date of employment: Not Indicated
Housing Provided: No
Food Provided: No
Transportation required: No
If transportation is required, daily transportation to and from the worksite(s) will be provided to the workers. Daily pick-up place(s) will be at:
Fringe Benefits:
Comments: Self-Arranged Housing Self provided transportation to and from jobsite