Vacancies > Job Vacancy Announcement Detail
Job Vacancy Announcement Detail
Employer: | Highway Safety Services, LLC |
DBA: | Highway Safety Services, LLC |
Address: | PMB 102 Box 10001 Saipan, MP 96950, Northern Mariana Islands 96950 United States |
Phone: | 670-888-3581 |
Other Number: | 670-235-7742 |
Contact Highway Safety Services, LLC via email |
Job Vacancy Announcement | JVA |
JVA Type: | Transfer |
Island | Saipan |
FLSA Covered? | No, not covered |
DOD related? | No |
PERM related? * | No |
VEVRAA related? | No |
Original Number of Openings: | 1 |
Number of Openings Currently Available | 1 |
Specific Worksite location: | Lower Base, Saipan |
Job Classification: | Architecture and Engineering Occupations |
Job Title: | Fence Erector |
Announcement Number: | 08-08-7585 |
Job Classification: | Architecture and Engineering Occupations |
Opening Date: | 8/19/2008 |
Closing Date: | 9/2/2008 |
Salary Range: | $4.05 to $7 / Hourly |
Job Title: | Fence Erector |
Job Duties: | Erect and repair metal and wooden fences and fence gates around highways, industrial establishments, residences, or farms, using hand and power tools. Establish the location for a fence, and gather information needed to ensure that there are no electric cables or water lines in the area. Align posts, using lines or by sighting, and verify vertical alignment of posts, using plumb bobs or spirit levels. Measure and lay out fence lines and mark posthole positions, following instructions, drawings, or specifications. Does other related duties assigned. |
High School Diploma Required? | Undetermined |
Qualification Requirements: | at least two (2) years minimum work experience with minimal supervision |
Full or Part Time: | Full Time |
Hours per Week: | 40 |
Hours per Day: | 8 |
Payment Frequency: | bi-weekly |
Overtime Available: | No |
Overtime Rate: | $6.075 - $10.5 |
Rate x 1.5 per hour Exempted: | No |
Specify All Payroll Deductions: | |
Required tools, supplies and Equipment to be provided: | |
Anticipated starting date of employment: | Not Indicated |
Anticipated closing date of employment: | Not Indicated |
Housing Provided: | No |
Food Provided: | No |
Transportation required: | No |
If transportation is required, daily transportation to and from the worksite(s) will be provided to the workers. Daily pick-up place(s) will be at: | |
Fringe Benefits: | |
Comments: | Medical and Workers Compensation Insurance provided by employer. |