
Vacancies > Job Vacancy Announcement Detail

Job Vacancy Announcement Detail

Employer: Big Bell, Inc.
DBA: Big Bell, Inc.
Address: P.O. Box 5423 CHRB
Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands
96950 United States
Phone: 670-288-6108
Other Number: 670-288-2355
Contact Big Bell, Inc. via email

Job Vacancy Announcement JVA
JVA Type: Transfer
Island Saipan
FLSA Covered? No, not covered
DOD related? No
PERM related? * No
VEVRAA related? No
Original Number of Openings: 1
Number of Openings Currently Available 1
Specific Worksite location: Koblerville, Northern Mariana Islands, MP 96950
Job Classification: Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Job Title: Architect
Announcement Number: 08-10-9360
Job Classification: Architecture and Engineering Occupations
Opening Date: 10/15/2008
Closing Date: 10/29/2008
Salary Range: $1000 to $1000 / Monthly
Job Title: Architect
Job Duties: Provides professional services in research, development, design, construction, or repair of real property, such as private residences, office buildings, public buildings, or factories. Consults with client to determine functional and spatial requirements and prepares information regarding design, specifications, materials, equipment, estimated costs, and building time. Plans layout of projects and integrates engineering elements into unified design.
High School Diploma Required? Undetermined
Qualification Requirements: College graduate in Architectural degree with 4 years experience. Job Zone Three: Medium Preparation Needed Overall Experience Previous work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is required for these occupations. For example, an electrician must have completed three or four years of apprenticeship or several years of vocational training, and often must have passed a licensing exam, in order to perform the job. Job Training Employees in these occupations usually need one or two years of training involving both on-the-job experience and informal training with experienced workers. Job Zone Examples These occupations usually involve using communication and organizational skills to coordinate, supervise, manage, or train others to accomplish goals. Examples include funeral directors, electricians, forest and conservation technicians, legal secretaries, interviewers, and insurance sales agents. SVP Range (6.0 to < 7.0) Education Most occupations in this zone require training in vocational schools, related on-the-job experience, or an associate's degree. Some may require a bachelor's degree.
Full or Part Time: Full Time
Hours per Week: 40
Hours per Day: 8
Payment Frequency: semi-monthly
Overtime Available: No
Overtime Rate: $1.5 - $1.5
Rate x 1.5 per hour Exempted: No
Specify All Payroll Deductions:
Required tools, supplies and Equipment to be provided:
Anticipated starting date of employment: Not Indicated
Anticipated closing date of employment: Not Indicated
Housing Provided: No
Food Provided: No
Transportation required: No
If transportation is required, daily transportation to and from the worksite(s) will be provided to the workers. Daily pick-up place(s) will be at:
Fringe Benefits:
Comments: Medical & workers compensation provided by employer.